Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 2022 Current Affairs

    2022 Current Affairs

    State of Play at the End of 2021 Vaccine mandates are still ‘new’ – with many needing to have a 2nd dose by the end of the year. These mandates have put employers in a difficult spot. Who will be liable for adverse events? The government (read taxpayer & money printers), employers (under OHS), or individuals? As…

  • The Whole Show: My Hill to Die On

    The Whole Show: My Hill to Die On

    2020 will go down as a notable year. It will also be among our most difficult to explain to posterity. ‘Pandemic, panic and protest’ does well to summarize this current US election year. Politics has taken on a religious fervour all throughout the Western world. It reminds me of ‘the Troubles’ in Ireland with its…

  • Monetary Predictions

    Monetary Predictions

    Jay Powell announced that he aims to taper QE by March 2022 and raise rates to 0.9% toward the end of ‘22. At least this is the objective as at December 2021, and aimed at halting rising inflation. I don’t expect he’ll carry this objective out – that is I reckon he’s bluffin’ with his…

  • Lawn Repair: Case Study

    Lawn Repair: Case Study

    The Hortico Lawn Repair seed was then spread evenly and according to instructions over the prepared bare patch. Fertilizer is included with the seed and provides support to the new lawn in becoming established.

  • IrriGator Product Manual

    IrriGator Product Manual

    All plant growth originates at the roots (at the newest root tips less than 10 days old to be more specific). These root tips facilitate water and nutrient uptake, which allows hormone formation inside the plant.

  • Hunter S. Thompson’s Letter to a Friend

    Hunter S. Thompson’s Letter to a Friend

    You ask advice: ah, what a very human and very dangerous thing to do! For to give advice to a man who asks what to do with his life implies something very close to egomania. To presume to point a man to the right and ultimate goal—to point with a trembling finger in the RIGHT…

  • Going Wheatbelt

    Going Wheatbelt

    Each of our intentions carries a degree of uncertainty. A goal is a weak intention for means of achieving it aren’t yet well considered. You are uncertain whether you will achieve it, and in what time frame. Once you want to do something the intention has advanced beyond a goal, through consideration of means and…

  • Going Deep: Untenable – the idea that the Media & Press are driven by ratings and sensationalism

    Going Deep: Untenable – the idea that the Media & Press are driven by ratings and sensationalism

    Trump supporters know the collusion case front and back. They went from worrying the collusion must be real, to suspecting it might be fake, to realizing it was a scam, then watched as every institution – agencies, the press, Congress, academia – gaslit them for another year.

  • Getting Your Lawn Through a Summer Scorcher

    Getting Your Lawn Through a Summer Scorcher

    Those of us who live in Perth know very well the meaning of hot and dry. Furthermore, those of us who fall within the spectrum of house proud and avid gardener, have to deal with the added difficulty of keeping our gardens alive and healthy through the summer. And yet it is possible. Any stroll…

  • Don’t Confuse Means With Ends

    Don’t Confuse Means With Ends

    Wisdom is the mark of an educated man, and a fitting definition goes as follows; Wisdom is knowledge and its due use, knowledge of the best ends and best means. A bloke who is open to all possibilities, who does not disregard ends and means based on advise but rather on experience is bound to…

  • Curb Your Athiesm

    Curb Your Athiesm

    I’m not going to trust your opinion on the creator when you were created into a puddle! Re: Steven Hawkins

  • Creating a Vertical Wall for a Herb Garden

    Creating a Vertical Wall for a Herb Garden

    See how an IrriGator unit was used together with a drip setup in order to take care of a freshly planted herb garden. A tap timer ensured that the herbs were frequently watered, whilst the GelBlock ensured that in addition to water, all the plants receive vital nutrients, micro-nutrients, trace elements and bio-stimulants. The water…

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