Category: Uncategorized

  • ChatGPT: A 30 Year History | How Neural Networks Learned to Talk

    Metadata Author: Art of the Problem Category: video URL: Highlights units and then the state units were connected to the middle of the network and finally also connected to themselves this resulted in a state of mind which depended on the past and could affect the future what he called a recurrent neural network…

  • Notebook #1

    November 2015 (Martin’s Mill, Geraldton) -> May 2016 (Cooladdi, Coorow) Facade/Persona Facade – presented to others ‘Mask’ perceived and projected by others = Persona Values Values are ends based or as means to ends, thus ends based. Don’t confuse means with the ends. e.g.Religion with spiritualityUniversity with education.Cricket with sport. Effective Truth The Importance of…

  • Notebook #5 Summary Test

    1 Notebook #5 May – September 2017 Between Canada and& Yerecoin 2 Humour “If misgendering someone is a crime, then every person who ever referred to Justin Trudeau as a man need to be arrested.” – Theron Meyer At least Trudeau can teach Canadians to ski, because this country is going downhill. 3 Definition Zeitgeist…

  • Embed

    Testing below: — Craig Shaw (@c_l_shaw) January 9, 2024

  • Perplexity summary of neural network notes

    Perplexity summary of neural network notes

    The development of neural networks over the last 30 years has been a journey of continuous learning and improvement. Here’s a brief summary of the key stages: This journey shows the evolution of neural networks from simple pattern recognition to complex language understanding and generation. The development of these models has led to a new…

  • Trust the Science, Part 2…or only the next word?

    Trust the Science, Part 2…or only the next word?

    YouTube – How Neural Networks Learned to Talk Thought of ai as glorified autocomplete/autofill Compression of experience into a predictive model of the world This resulted in a state of mind which depended on the past and could effect the future. Agents Japanese subway designed by slime/mould: My notes/thoughts: Ai = artificial intelligence Artificial? Implies…

  • Summary #1

    November 2015 – May 2016 Martin’s Mill, Geraldton – Cooladdi, Coorow Facade/persona Values Values are ends based Or as a means to ends…thus ends based Don’t confuse means with the ends The Effective Truth Effective truth is more important than abstract ideals. Individuals can have ideals – Collectively we get the effective truth. Individuals =…

  • Part 3: Deplatforming the President

    Link to Original Document THREAD: The Twitter Files THE REMOVAL OF DONALD TRUMP Part One: October 2020-January 6th The world knows much of the story of what happened between riots at the Capitol on January 6th, and the removal of President Donald Trump from Twitter on January 8th… We’ll show you what hasn’t been revealed:…

  • Farming advocacy

  • Do You Speak Markdown XL?

    If not, don’t worry – it is dead-easy to learn. Markdown XL consists of 25 definitions, and it will only take you little time to get the hang of it. Soon you will be able to just type away, with no need to reach for the mouse. The Smart Markup Bar Until then, you can…

  • Atheistic humour

  • Trusting the Science, Part 1

    Trusting the Science, Part 1

    DECEMBER 8, 2021 The citizens of contemporary society are clearly divided by a great cleavage which announces itself everywhere, and has gotten to the stage where State Premiers are placing broad bans on the ‘unvaxxed’, bayed on by most Australians. How are we to reconcile contradicting views when we find convincing experts on each side…