YouTube – How Neural Networks Learned to Talk
Thought of ai as glorified autocomplete/autofill
Compression of experience into a predictive model of the world
This resulted in a state of mind which depended on the past and could effect the future.
Japanese subway designed by slime/mould:
My notes/thoughts:
Ai = artificial intelligence
Artificial? Implies (1) not biological. Also implies human design…rather than attributed to God. Like claiming to create a puddle….rather than recognising that it is the natural resting point…impersonal constraints. Personal responsibility can deal with impersonal constraints.
AGI = artificial general intelligence
General – wide application…not limited to it’s training
Intelligence = learning? Learning comes up a lot in the video notes.
Q* rumours – can it solve maths problems? Math still fractal – prediction will be highly limited? Nikola Tesla – “think in terms of frequency and vibration”…mathematical patterns no longer ideological?
Cryptography and encryption are threatened if that’s the case – de-digitization of banking etc – return of analog.
Analog vs digital – – – or analog AND digital computers.
Jordan Peterson on JRE No.1769 on 25th January 2022
If categories dissolve, especially fundamental ones, the culture is dissolving because the culture is a structure of category. That’s what it is. So culture is a structure of categories that we all share. We see things the same way, and that’s why we can talk. I mean not exactly the same way because then we would have nothing to talk about. But roughly speaking, we have a bedrock of agreement. That’s the Bible, by the way.
So I just walked through the Museum of the Bible in Washington. That was very cool. It’s a very cool museum. That’s what I figured out this week. So it was a cool thing to walk through because it’s chronological. They have one floor, which is the history of the Bible, but it’s not exactly that. Really what it is, is the history of the book. Now, in many ways the first book was the Bible. I mean literally because at one point there was only one book, as far as our Western culture is concerned, there was one book, and that book was the Bible. And then before it was the Bible, it was scrolls and it was writing something on papyrus. But it was when we were starting to aggregate written text together, and it went through all sorts of technological transformations, and then it became the book everybody could buy. The first one of those was the Bible, and then it became all sorts of books that everybody could buy. But all those books, in some sense, emerged out of that underlying book and that book itself, the Bible, isn’t a book. It’s a library. It’s a collection of books.
So what I figured out was partly because I was talking to my brother-in-law, Jim Keller, who’s the world’s greatest chip designer and has now designed a chip that’s as powerful as the human brain, which is optimised for artificial intelligence learning. And I talked to him about that. He said “have you heard of the Internet?” I said “yeah Jim, I’ve heard of the Internet”. He said this is way more revolutionary than that. So in any case, we were talking about meaning in text because we’re talking about translation and the problem of understanding text. And Jim said “the meaning of words is coded in the relationship of the words to one another” and the postmodernists make that case that all meaning is derived from the relationship between words. That’s wrong because well, what about rage? That’s not words and what about moving your hand, that’s not words, so it’s wrong, but part of it is right.
Because the meaning we derive from the verbal domain is encoded in the relationship between words. So now let’s think about the relationship between words. Some words are dependent on other words, some ideas are dependent on other ideas. The more ideas that are dependent on a given idea, the more fundamental that idea is. That’s the definition of fundamental. So now imagine you have an aggregation of texts in a civilisation. You ask “which are the fundamental texts”, and the answer is the text upon which most other texts depend. And so you put Shakespeare way up there in English, because so many texts are dependent on Shakespeare’s literary revelations. And Milton would be in that category, and Dante would be in that category, at least in translation. Fundamental authors, part of the Western Canon. Not because of the arbitrary dictates of power, but because those texts influenced more other texts. And then you think about that as a hierarchy with the Bible at its base, which is certainly the case. Now imagine that’s the entire corpus of linguistic production, all things considered. Now how do you understand that? Like, literally, how do you understand that?
The answer is you sample it by reading and listening to stories and listening to people talk. You sample that whole domain. You build a low resolution representation of that inside you, then you listen and see through that. And so it isn’t only that the Bible is true. It’s that the Bible is the precondition for the manifestation of truth. Which makes it way more true than just true. It’s a whole different kind of truth. I think this is not only literally the case, factually, I think it can’t be any other way. It’s the only way we can solve the problem of perception.
JBP chat with the Bitcoin bros =>
Prementioned – a phase space of all systems
Subject object split. Don’t forget affect – feedback problems.
Imitation…neuroscience, neuroplasticity. Exaptation – Vervaeke & Steven Johnson reread…
Video notes:
Supervised learning
- spam
- video reccos
- siloed algorithms
Learn sequential patterns
- gave it memory
- memory neuron were called ‘state units’
- = state of mind
Generate data – output becomes the input
System would make mistakes – those mistakes would disappear with training
Generalised learning
When trained on spacial sequences and given different inputs it “remembered” it’s training…the solution (figured it quicker – learnt the sequence)
Learns to follow a trajectory through phase space.
- the trajectories = attractors (chaos theory)
- generalised pattern learned by the network which was represented in the connection weights in the inner layers.
1990 – Jeffrey Elman – Finding Structure in Time
Used 50x neutrons & trained it on language instead of sequential patterns.
- the network learned word boundaries on it’s own:
- plot of error rate decreases as the word is ‘spelled’ out…the sequence becomes increasingly predictable.
- …given the past…
- Information theory – an intelligible signal contains decreasing entropy over sequence length…can this ‘law of nature’ be used to distinguish between genuine signal and bollocks?
- Plotted words and looked at their spatial arrangement. Found the network clustered words ‘based on meaning’. Nouns clustered by animate (human/animal) Vs inanimate (edible/breakable), Verbs etc.
- Links to [[d81ee088-e56d-4d91-8ae8-019a7dda4afe]] and translation/second language acquisition?
- network is learning these hierarchical interpretations.
- ::pf_color{yellow_b}Everything can be learned from patterns in the language::…can it?
- To what extent – Noam Chomsky describes it as a glorified autofill.
- Since we can represent words in high dimensional space
- sequencing of words… sentences
- = a pathway
- Similar sentences follow similar pathways
- Thought follows a pathway
- Team chasing better character level prediction – only so that they could improve the compression of text files. This requires intelligence…,ie. ability to learn
- Biological brains at their core are prediction machines
- Compression of experience into a predictive model of the world.
- Had models generate language by feeding it a ‘prompt’ such as ‘ the meaning of life is…’ Very quickly turned to gibberish…non-sensical.
- Clearly learning was happening but they were hitting the capacity of the network trying to maintain coherent context over long sequences.
- Could brute force achieve the desired performance?
- A NN was trained on Shakespeare – could barely tell the difference.
- The infinite monkey theorem suggests that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, such as the complete works of Shakespeare[1]. However, the probability of this happening is extremely low. For instance, the chance of randomly typing out an entire play correctly at the first trial is one in 3.4 × 10^183[4]. In 2011, a software developer named Jesse Anderson created a computerized simulation of the theoretical monkey typing pool. Using open-source software called Hadoop, he generated a large group of “monkeys” that input random strings of gibberish. When a chunk of text matched a word used in Shakespeare’s works, it was crossed off a database of the plays and poems. Anderson’s virtual monkeys managed to complete “A Lover’s Complaint,” a narrative poem by Shakespeare, but the project has not yet reproduced the entire Shakespearean catalog[2].
- The infinite monkey theorem suggests that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, such as the complete works of Shakespeare[1]. However, the probability of this happening is extremely low. For instance, the chance of randomly typing out an entire play correctly at the first trial is one in 3.4 × 10^183[4]. In 2011, a software developer named Jesse Anderson created a computerized simulation of the theoretical monkey typing pool. Using open-source software called Hadoop, he generated a large group of “monkeys” that input random strings of gibberish. When a chunk of text matched a word used in Shakespeare’s works, it was crossed off a database of the plays and poems. Anderson’s virtual monkeys managed to complete “A Lover’s Complaint,” a narrative poem by Shakespeare, but the project has not yet reproduced the entire Shakespearean catalog[2].
- Iris Murdoch – It might be said that ‘all is one’ is a dangerous falsehood at any level except the very highest.
- Pantheism – expand upon the danger…
- “Active reassessing and redefining.” Reread the Sovereignty of Good?…for this AI gear.
- “I can only choose within the world I can see.”
- But if we consider what the work of attention is like, how continuously it goes on, and how imperceptibly it builds up structures of value round about us, we shall not be surprised that at crucial moments of choice, most of the business of choosing is already over. This does not imply that we are not free, certainly not [this the very definition of freedom]. But it implies that the exercise of our freedom is a small piecemeal business which goes on all the time and not a grandiose leaping about unimpeded at important moments.
- Like earlier research he noticed how it learned in phases – didn’t have to hard code any of it…the network decided what was useful to keep track of.
- Order of terms?:
- algorithm
- neural networks
- deep learning
- machine learning
- artificial intelligence
- Setting up a system with a broad goal of learning to speak – could then be retasked on arbitrary narrow goals we might simply ask of it.
2017 = Open AI
- First up just went bigger – 22 million amazon product reviews
- They found a sentiment nueron!
- This could be achieved with training in a siloed environment
- But they had done none of that work.
- It ‘emerged’ out of the process of learning to predict the next word!
- Could have the network generate text reviews and force the sentiment nueron to be positive or negative – and it did it!
- Mystery why the model recovers the concept of sentiment in such a precise, disentangled, interpretable and manipulable way?
- Network full of representations of abstract concepts learnt from that data – as a result of trying to predict it.
- JBP quote – can’t predict the future…only part of it – unknown span of time.
- Big problem with recurrent networks – they process data serially.
- All the context(s) had to be squeezed into a fixed ‘internal memory’. = bottleneck! Meaning gets squeezed out.
- Learning long range dependencies was a key challenge faced by the field.
- Alternative approaches that emerged:
- Process the entire input sequence in parallel. = too much “depth” required…impossible to Tain.
- Also 2017:
- A paper focused on the problem of translating between languages offered a solution to memory constraint via Attention.
- Add in a dynamic layer that adapts some/all connection weights based on the context of the input.
- = a self attention layer.
- Leads to a shallower but wider network that is practical to train.
- Allow every word in the input to look at and compare itself to every other word and absorb the meaning from the most relevant words ::pf_color{yellow_b}to better capture the context of its intended use in that sentence.::
- done by measuring the distance between all the word pairs in concept space.
- Eg. -River – bank
- becomes…. – river – bank
- Leads to a second operation where each word absorbs meaning from their connections based on the strength of the weighting..
- Allows words to adjust its representations (or meaning) to “push” towards the concept (or direction) of a riverbank.
- These are called ::pf_color{orange_b}transformers::.
- Take each word and transform their meaning shaped by the words around it.
- In action – looks like music ai that predicts the next note.
- In the visualisation each coloured line is a different attention head and weight of line is the amount of attention it gives to each location (of music). Each attention head looks for different kinds of patterns in the music (or other application) – note that to select the next note at each step all patterns are considered.
- This is a network architecture that can look at everything, everywhere, all at once…
- …need it to look at everything, everywhere, for all time.
- No need for ‘internal memory’
- Memory is replaced by self-reference within the layer.
- This is still supervised training. Still not generalised….in 2017.
- Open AI used this approach on the ‘next word’ prediction problem = GPT. Trained on 7000 books.
- Showed capability in answering general questions – e.g. how to scramble eggs.
- Such questions did not have to be in the training data…this is called zero shot learning.
- Potential of language models to generalise from their training data and apply it to arbitrary tasks.
- GPT-2 = data set scraped from the web & 300,000 nueron network.
- ?” the idea that we can’t have new neurons is a bit of a red herring – The second precondition is that the network be plastic, capable of adopting new configurations. A dense network incapable of forming new patterns is, by definition, incapable of change, incapable of probing at the edges of the adjacent possible. When a new idea pops into your head, the sense of novelty that makes the experience so magical has a direct correlate in the cells of your brain: a brand-new assemblage of neurons has come together to make the thought possible. Those connections are built by our genes and by personal experience: some connections help regulate our heartbeat and trigger reflex reactions; others conjure up vivid sense memories of the cookies we ate as children; others help us invent the concept of a programmable computer. ::pf_color{green_b}The connections are the key to wisdom, which is why the whole notion of losing neurons after we hit adulthood is a red herring. What matters in your mind is not just the number of neurons, but the myriad connections that have formed between them::. Of course, everything that happens in your brain is, technically speaking, a network. Remembering to cut your toenails involves a network of neurons firing in some kind of orderly fashion. But that doesn’t make it an epiphany. – Johnson, Steven. Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation (pp. 46-47). Penguin Books Ltd. Kindle Edition.
- GPT-2 Did well on comprehension, summarisation (brevity), translation and question answering. It could translate as well as systems trained on translation – without that training!
- GPT-2 still drifted off into nonsense…
- So with GPT3 they made the network 100x bigger.
- 175B connections and 96 layers
- Context window of 1000 words
- One capability really jumped out after training…you could still teach the network new things (called in context learning).
- Key point – change the behaviour of the network without changing the network weights.
- A frozen network that can learn new tricks…
- Leveraging “internal” model of the individual concepts which it can combine or compose arbitrarily.
- Core = in-weight = training
- in-context = learnt in use
- We seem to have stumbled into a new computing paradigm where the computer operates at the level of thoughts – where thought is a response to a prompt.
- The hottest new programming language is English.
- The prompt is the program.
- GPT-4 shaped GPT-3s behaviour to better follow human interaction.
- Trained on good and bad prompts…human instruction = subjective therefore biased.
- went beyond next word to next phrasing
- not just what to say but how to say it
- AI training – like animal training videos – dogs, dolphins, whales etc. Humans too!
- InstructGPT becomes the consumer facing product ChatGPT.
- 100M people use it
- 2023
- “Making ChatGPT talk to itself is kind of surreal”
- Talk to itself and think out loud
- Simply adding the phrase “think step by step” kicks off an iterative loop where sub-thoughts are written down into meaningful chunks – allowing it to follow a chain of reasoning as long as needed!…in my experience = asking for definitions…improving/selecting definitions.
- Shakespeare = king of talking to himself. Frye or Bloom?
- Can create agents now:
- released into the virtual world
- …then external world via computers/phone calls
- …then given physical sense…cameras etc
- & articulators to ‘drink piss’
- Every task performed by computers could now be re-engineered with an LLM at the core of the process
- Not a chat bot….THE kernel process of an emerging OS
- RAM equivalent = the context window.
- GPT-4 = 10x bigger network…the race to build the most intelligent agent of them all is on.
- Some speculate that this moment marks a unification of AI around a single direction. Instead of specialised networks (image, text, sound, video) focused on specific kinds of data – all research is pointing to treating all perceptions as language…that is a series of information bearing symbols and then training the networks on prediction powered by networks with self-attention – this leads to a more general system than can be retested on any arbitrary narrow problem.
- Something fundamental about the ability to learn to get better at predicting future perceptions – that is core to learning in both biological and artificial neural networks.
- Imagination is a great survival mechanism because it minimises surprise.
- Actions are part of our perceptions.
- Did we invent a tool not end all tools? A potential solution to mental automation? – the original dream of computer science.
- Noam C = glorified autofill….but it is not just predicting the next word and using statistics.
- From the data it figures out how to extract the meaning of the (input) sentence…then uses that meaning to predict the next word!
One group believes that these models trick us into thinking that they’re smarter than they are – the other group believes that if it looks like thought then it is thought…
Andrew Huberman – unless we start merging machines with pharmacology & behaviour…we’re just walking around in a circle over and over again…and it’s going to happen. – – – here I reckon you’ve fucked the feedback system – choice!/Irish Murdoch
Time Z on the History Clock – Alexander Dugin
Special Operation Z is not just the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, not just the rescue of the Russian people of Donbass and the assertion of the sovereignty of the Russian State. This is a fundamentally new round of Russian history, returning us from decades of stagnation to the path of our original destiny. Like the Third Rome, the Great Christian Empire, which keeps the whole world from sinking into the abyss.
Dial Florensky
Reality can be viewed from two sides. Imagine a transparent dial. On the one hand, the clock hand goes as it should go, but on the other – in the opposite direction. So where is she going? Clockwise or counterclockwise? In this example, Pavel Florensky based his geometric picture explaining what “imaginary numbers” are – for example, i, the root of -1. From this he deduced the exact localization of Hell and the interpretation of Dante’s vertical travels.
(Up to some point I underestimated Florensky, I confess).
The same hand of the same clock at the same time, seen from two sides of reality, simultaneously moves in the opposite direction.
The spiritual mind and the material mind are on both sides of reality. They observe the same thing, but the coordinate system is reversed. One view of reality is true, the other is imaginary (like the number i). However, the reality is the same.
Two Views: One Reality
From the side of the spirit, reality is a logical and well-ordered structure. Each of its elements is meaningful, carries an intellectual content built into the overall structure. As in language.
From the side of the inverted material mind, at first the thing exists – as something indefinite, but given here and now, and only then does it find meaning. From this side, the view of reality states chaotic or fractal chains, constellations of emergent randomness, flashes and meaningless (therefore black) miracles. It is a murky language of things that is easy to approach in a very heavy intoxication or a drug journey through the depths of nonsense. Oligophrenics (and probably fish) enjoy it without any doping – always. Spontaneous elements are driven into chains according to a random principle – what is heavier, brighter, denser, that is the main thing.
In the material mind, everything is imaginary. He looks at reality, but perceives its blurry overturned blots.
Economics is a science inkblot. There are no real reasons and reasonable explanations in it at all. Crumbling pieces of objects are mixed with abstractions of money. There is no beginning, no end. Nothing converges, and this is declared a “law” – they say, the economy exists thanks to crises. Imaginary in economics is not just science, but the very field of consideration – it does not exist, it is an aberration of vision, a defect in position.
In order to begin to understand at least something in real dramatic and extremely heated events, it is first necessary to go to the other side of reality. To swim out of material fragmentation, to get out of the sucking imaginary of all types of materialism and economism. And then it becomes crystal clear what is happening.
Operational practices of sobriety
There is nothing more logical and consistent than what is currently unfolding in Russia, Ukraine and the world. But in order to grasp this, one must abandon the pathological occupation of combining semi-material – materialistic! – fragments of a torn reality, trying – like dipsomaniacs or degenerates – to build an explanation out of them: gas prices, the SWIFT system, planes on lease, Galkin escaped, discovered a biolab, tsrushniks poisoned pigs and stole the DNA of the Slavs … All these are imaginaries seen from – under reality. Yes, all these disparate things and events exist. But while we look at them from below, from the position of material rationality, they move in a chaotic stream, and most importantly, in the opposite (to themselves) direction. They confuse and confuse us. In a sense, stupidity bewitches.
When everything is calm, we do not even notice in what a deep and dense turbidity we live. But now it is restless, and it will not become calm again soon, if at all. This is a chance to look at the dial of the world and history, the people and the state from the right – not imaginary – side.
Russia as an Idea and its cycles
From the point of view of the spirit (looking at the dial from the right side), in Russia as a spiritual and intellectual phenomenon, in Russia as an Idea, in Eternal Russia after the end of communism, spiritual transformation and overcoming the materialistic paradigm were on the agenda of the late twentieth century. We were destined to return to the highest level of sacred history, where Russia is “that katechon”, the Retainer (τό κατέχον), and the place for “go catehon” (ὀ κατέχων), the Retainer, was vacant, more precisely, reserved (this is called “the throne prepared for “, etymasia). The Man of Destiny was to come to correct the Russian Way and guide our ship to the Last Battle. Our country was created for the Last Battle, and all our historical wars and victories are just preludes to It.
This suggested:
- a complete break with the West as with the civilization of the Enemy, Adversary, Antichrist;
- return to deep Russian values and the Russian Mission;
- creation of a completely autonomous and sovereign statehood without any reference to the norms of the West (capitalism, democracy, parliament, human rights, network technologies, gender politics, etc.);
- building a new society based on a new political theory (4PT), where the Church, the Empire, the People and justice are at the center.
Having returned to its trajectory, Russia, having emerged from the communist era, was called upon to preserve the continental State, held together by the Empire and the Eurasian ideology. There were no Republics, including no Russian Federation, in the plans of Providence. We returned to the fulfillment of the Mission for which we were created by God. But the devil was vigilant, attentive and awakened, and led us astray.
Having gone through the difficult path of restoration, first of all spiritual, and then material, we would enter a new round of confrontation with the West, with the “civilization of the Antichrist”, which during this time would become more and more openly satanic – the destruction of sex and families, preparation for the transfer of power to Artificial Intelligence, the total degeneration of morals, the dominance of extremely perverted philosophies, such as Postmodernism or LLC. Our fate was written in golden letters in heaven, and it was read by Russian tsars, saints, elders, ascetics, warriors, philosophers, poets and artists from the first centuries of Holy Russia. We had to do just that, and that would be reality moving clockwise.
Failure in Anti-Russia
But… we didn’t just turn off this path, we collapsed, breaking through the bottom, into a sub-reality. And the movement began in the opposite direction – in an imaginary world, in the silt of being, located under matter.
Further, everything is known.
Instead of a break with the West – its blind and crooked copying and obsequious worship (liberals, reformers, Yeltsin, 90s).
Instead of turning to Russian roots – cosmopolitanism and open Russophobia, when everything Russian was equated with “red-brown”, a coven of liberalism, postmodernism and “modernization” (where the same West acted as the standard of Modernity).
Instead of sovereign statehood – an attempt to integrate on miserable grounds into the global West, loss of independence, external control. Destruction of the best in Soviet society, plunder of resources, imitation of the Western political, social, economic and cultural system.
Instead of the revived Russia-Eurasia as a single state and the Great Empire, the pole of the multipolar world, there was the collapse of the USSR and the construction of ugly imitative structures at the behest of the West. At the same time, the West supported nationalism and even Nazism everywhere except Russia, since Russian identity is not national, but imperial. Those imitative nationalists, who were in small numbers in Russia, were carefully supported by the West in order to destroy the Eurasian (imperial) unity from within.
That is, we began to do the exact opposite of what we were supposed to. We forgot about the side of the spirit in general, everything came down to material indicators, and even then forged in the interests of the corrupt elite and Western masters. In the 1990s, Russia was ruled by the devil. It was Anti-Russia, that is, the exact opposite of what it was supposed to become. Everything in the post-Soviet space was Anti-Russia in the 90s (not only Ukraine, but also the Russian Federation).
Rise from the silt of history
Therefore, Putin emerged from the depths of his own Anti-Russia. It was necessary from the point of view of the logic of the spiritual side of Russian history (go Katekhon, Restraining, Man of Destiny), but impossible from the point of view of material causal processes – Western agents, the oligarchy and the degenerate opportunists who made up the elite of the 90s (they, however, are still almost everything in its place), completely controlled power. And yet Putin came because he had to come.
From that moment began a long journey out of the swamp. It was so slow that it often gave the impression that there was no movement at all. We dug into the matter, sacredly observed liberalism, delved into capitalism and rushed into the WTO, engaged in modernization, joined with enthusiasm in Western networks, in numbers, in postmodern culture, imitated the West in everything. That is, the power of the devil, which developed in the 90s, continued.
Yes, but with one exception. Putin added sovereignty to the infernal plan. But this was an internal contradiction. According to globalism, the sovereignty of states should be weakened and reduced, not increased. Thus began the confrontation. It had many stages: the Munich speech of 2007, the events of 2008 in the Caucasus, Crimea and Donbass in 2014 and, finally, a special military operation now, in the spring of 2022 with Operation Z.
Operation Z is the exit to the final round of history.
Putin led the country from under the dial to the reverse side. From how it is to how it should be. Following sovereignty like Ariadne’s thread, Putin increasingly entered into a deadly confrontation with the West. When Russia itself was on the side of the devil, no one noticed this. When she began to get out from under his influence, the seriousness of the situation began to be fully realized.
In 1991, a decision was made that was completely opposite to the Russian fate. All peoples, states, cultures were responsible for it, except for those who accepted it, who applauded it and who took advantage of it. Today, people are dying en masse in Ukraine just because Russia fell through the bottom in 1991. Sharply and immediately. This is a geopolitical, moreover, a global catastrophe. It’s easy to fall, incredibly difficult to take off. It is easy to be a stone, difficult to be a bird, even more difficult to be an angel.
For 22 years we have been climbing. And only now the surface of Florensky’s dial is visible. We are still inside the mind of the devil – the Internet, progress, technological development, oil and gas prices, sanctions, rules of international relations, liberal dogmas and the capitalist way of life. But we are already seeing a raging Leviathan, taking away its poisonous gifts from us by force – Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Youtube, brands and resorts, gas pipelines and payment systems are closed, the property of oligarchs in the West is taken away, offshore companies turn out to be unreliable. They think we can’t take it. If you remain under Florensky’s dial and frantically try to reproduce the diabolical civilization on your own, then you definitely won’t be able to withstand it, and their calculation is correct. Simply sovereignty without a return to Russia as a civilization is no longer enough. The thread of Ariadne led us to the exit of the cave. But it is no longer functional. It is necessary to take the last and decisive step upwards.
Sovereignty is no longer enough. An attempt to repeat Western civilization, opposing it, in a limited format, on one sixth (and today, alas, less) of the land will end in a quick failure. This is not possible and is not necessary. This is a trick. Sovereignty led us to a special military operation. And this is exactly right. But then something else is needed.
It is necessary to get out of the mud of history once and for all.
What is happening now is exactly what should have happened – the Last Battle of Light and Darkness, us and them, Eurasia and the Atlantic. She started. With the completion of the special military operation, it will not end, on the contrary, everything will really begin only then.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but to think means to get ahead of ourselves, the future is created in the mind. If this is the correct future, clockwise on Florensky’s dial.
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